Practical guide and go-to manual for small businesses:

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The CX Manual
for small businesses
Your easy introduction and practical guide to CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Managment
Including best practise examples, interviews, templates for your CX implementation and an easy framework to kick-start a customer-centric approach in your own business.
While most CX books showcase global players such as Apple, Disney and Starbucks, I have created this book especially for small businesses and solopreneurs.
Endorsed by Dan Gingiss and a preface of Dr. Peter Pirner.
Readers' opinions:
I never knew I had beed waiting for a business book like this all the time. Thank you, Andrea."
And above all: The tips given in this book actually work."
The book is written in a very lively manner, understandable, practical and to the point. The given examples provide a lot of food for thought and are easy to use even with a small budget."
Thanks to many concrete tips every entrepreneur can take a closer look at their relationship with new and existing customers and will definitely find a few areas that can be optimized from a CX perspective."
Andrea Yildiz manages to explain this complex topic in such a simple way."
All shown opinions are from real readers, who reviewed the book on Amazon oder LinkedIn or wrote emails to the author..
Your magical skill:
How your existing customers happily share their great experiences with your business and acquire new customers for you.
If small businesses wish to excell in their Customer Experience Management, they just don’t know where to start and what it is all about.
We all know that big players have entire teams and expensive consultants dedicated to help them mastering their CX. But what about the smaller businesses? They feel overwhelmed by the jargon and the CX-technology already. It was high time for this essential knowledge to be available in a format they can use.
That’s exactly why I wrote this book.
„Customer Experience made easy“ is not just a book; it’s a practical guide. It’s about providing you with a goal-oriented framework, practical templates, exercises, and a treasure trove of best practices to kickstart the implementation process immediately.
May the force be with you:
I believe in the power of a well designed customer experience culture in your company. And it has to start with the business owner’s mindset and their determined decision to implement a truly customer-centric culture. A deep understanding of customer needs, offering attractive products, optimizing digital processes, and providing individualized responses to customer concerns – these are the keys to high customer loyalty and eventually the overall growth of your business.
It’s easy and it’s fun!
30 minutes for your CX questions:
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